This post is inspired by three things.
#1) Primarily, this TED talk.
I have read a lot of the research he is referring to, particularly the parts about pre-natal stress, and there are times that this has really gotten to me. I love my son dearly, and I truly wouldn't want him to be any other way, as it really is a key element of his personality, and there are parts of me that feel so frightened for him to grown up gay in this world today, and to think that my stress levels likely caused it.... yikes. I was a college student trying to finish my degree, so I was working part-time. The same month we found I out I was pregnant, my husband left his long-term job pastoring at a church (we left, ironically enough, over conflicts with their stance on homosexuality, as many parents in the church were angry that we had gay friends whom their children had met) in faith that God would provide a better situation, even though he didn't have one lined up. (And didn't find another good situation until I was 8 months pregnant). When I was 14 weeks along, my husband's only living grandmother, with whom he and I were both close, had a stroke. After 6 long painful weeks in hospice, she passed away. It was a really crappy time in our lives. We were broke. We were stressed. It was emotional. But I LOVE the part of this TedTalk where he says, "It's like the mother's body was saying, 'I need a kind and clever ally to help me hold this family together.'" What a perfect, perfect definition. My daughter is my sassy pants buddy. But my son... he is my kind and clever ally. Being a minister's wife is hard. My husband is busy with youth ministry a lot at night. Tonight, my son saw I was busy on the phone comforting his aunt who is undergoing some testing for her son who might have autism. So he made his own lunch and his sister's lunch for the next day, because my husband or I usually do that. He wants to help out. He is my kind and clever ally. He listens in on my conversations and eavesdrops (which drives me crazy half the time) because he wants to know what is going on with everyone because he just cares so much. Gosh I am lucky.... "nature" (a.k.a. GOD) sure is awesome.
#2) I've started watching The Real O'Neals.
The writers of this show really get it. The protagonist says all the things I have come to understand: he cannot change who he is. He still loves God. And that is not a paradox. And it is awesome. He doesn't want it any other way.
#3) Calendar Shopping
Every year, my husband sells these calendars at church that are nature pictures with bible verses. We end up buying a leftover as our calendar for our kitchen. I'm sick of it. I just don't want a Bible verse calendar. Too cliche. And my kitchen is more colorful than that. We are more colorful people. We are... edgy.

While my husband and I continued to debate the few on the screen, my son giggles, "Haha, there's a 'Nuns Having Fun' calendar." Turns out that "Nuns Having Fun" tickled all of us. Okay, my daughter wasn't thrilled, but my husband and I both loved it. (The Hot Dudes Reading one is also mostly unavailable, so it is like $100. Ooops). And we are the ones who pay the bills around here, so, for the next 12 months, "Nuns Having Fun" will remind us what month we are in.
I adore my son and his quirky personality. I love everything about him.
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